Thank you for visiting JubiLeeKids!
For order and payment, kindly follow the below steps:
1. Email to using the following format to place an order:
a. Email Title: Order Placement
b. Your Name:
c. Your Mobile Contact:
d. Mailing Address:
e. Name of Product:
f. Size of Product: 0.5T or 5T etc
g. Choice of Delivery Option: Free Local Postage
h. Choice of Payment Option: ATM Transfer / Internet Banking
2. Wait for email confirmation from us before making payment
3. Make payment after receiving email confirmation
a. Currently, only atm transfer or internet banking is accepted. Please make payment
b. Do make payment within 12 hours, for oder confirmation.
4. Reply the email confirmation with the reference no. (for ATM transer) or transaction no. (for internet banking)
5. Thank you for patronizing JLK! Please be patient as you await your parcel! :)